Eye of Love Pheromone Parfum 3x10ml Set

Secret Joy

Maak je klaar om je passie te ontsteken met Eye of Love! Dit internationale merk verspreidt de liefde snel over de hele wereld vanuit onze thuisbasis in het zonnige San Diego, Californië. De Pheromone-collectie is er om individuen te helpen hun gewenste partner in elke situatie aan te trekken, waardoor je een extra voorsprong krijgt in het liefdesspel. De feromoonparfums van Eye of Love zijn de perfecte keuze voor diegenen die iets extra’s aan hun leven willen toevoegen. De geuren zijn speciaal samengesteld om de natuurlijke kracht van feromonen, die al in ons lichaam aanwezig zijn, aan te vullen en te versterken.

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Eye Of Love: Pairing powerful pheromones with captivating fragrances, Eye of Love's mission is to give you a unique edge in all of your encounters. Whether you're working, playing, or being intimate we can all use an added advantage.

Eye Of Love: Pairing powerful pheromones with captivating fragrances, Eye of Love's mission is to give you a unique edge in all of your encounters. Whether you're working, playing, or being intimate we can all use an added advantage. Eye of Love pheromones are high potency with pheromone and fragrance to last you all day long.

What can be expected then from using Pheromones?

  1. People who work in areas like customer service, real estate, and cosmetology can notice higher tips, better quality interactions, and higher sales.
  2. Couples can find themselves reconnecting in an entirely new way. You may feel like you are back in the "honeymoon" phase, listening more, talking more, and feeling closer again.
  3. Sensual moments like enjoying massages, cuddling, and enjoying passionate kisses can become heightened.
  4. First impressions or chance meetings can have a positive undertone, for instance: relaxed interactions, a general feeling of comfort, and a tendency to feel more engaged or connected.

What is the difference between Eau de Toilette or Eau de Parfum?
Good question! The difference lies in the volume of perfume oil in a formula. Eau de Toilette contains between 5-9%, while Eau de Parfum contains more, usually about 8-14%. Eau de Parfums, therefore, last longer and have a more intense smell.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,18 kg